Two seminars and one webinar will be held to present midterm project reports and final project reports. They will be organised in conjunction with established professional associations (agricultural economics and policy, and rural sociology) to enhance attendance, impact and feedback. One special issue with the best contributions to the midterm seminar will be published.

Final SURE-Farm Scientific Seminar at 178th EAAE Online Seminar, Future challenges and resilience of farming systems in Europe
18th-20th May 2021
Challenges in the form of short-term shocks or long-term stresses are inherent to agriculture. Extreme weather events, livestock and plant diseases, market shocks, absence of farm successors, shortage of labour force, constantly changing legislative frameworks, and other challenges, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, endanger the efficient provision of public and private goods. How can farming systems adapt or radically transform to cope with these challenges? What resilience-enhancing strategies can be followed? Who is taking the lead in enhancing resilience of a farming system?
The seminar intends to take a fresh look at current and future challenges for agriculture in Europe, associated weaknesses and opportunities of European farming systems, and how these affect their resilience capacities. It also investigates the role of business and public policy in enhancing future resilience capacities. Special attention will be paid to the need for research and research infrastructures in this field.
The focus of the seminar is on methods for and research into the design, adoption and performance of resilience-enhancing strategies in Europe. Also papers that provide experiences from other regions or domains with useful lessons for European farming systems and their institutions are welcomed.
Register now!
Important dates:
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION (1 page) 5th April (to
EXTENDED ABSTRACT (6 pages): 3rd May 2021 (to
178th EAAE Online Seminar. Future challenges and resilience of farming systems in Europe
Kick-off presentation
Keynote presentation

6th EAAE Webinar. Policy recommendations to enhance resilience of European farming systems
17th March 2021
Still suffering the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis, resilience has become a major concern for policy making globally and in the European Union.
This webinar aims to present how public policies affect the resilience of farming systems and to propose policy recommendations for improved resilience. The webinar consists of four policy-oriented contributions. The first presentation provides policy recommendations to support risk management decision making in EU farming systems. The second policy-oriented contribution delves into farms demographics and intergenerational renewal and provides policy options that may enable resilient farm structures. The third contribution shows a critical analysis of how the current CAP and adjacent policies constrain/enable resilient European agriculture and suggests recommendations for the CAP. The last policy-oriented contribution examines past and future strategies and policy interventions that promote resilient farming systems. The webinar will be closed by an intervention of the DG-Agri and CEJA-Young farmers representatives to share their opinion about how the policy recommendations would work.
Policy brief on farmer adaptive behaviour and risk management in EU agriculture
Robert Finger, Vroege Willemijn, Miranda Meuwissen, Yann de Mey, Thomas Slijper, Alisa Spiegel, Marijn Poortvliet, Mauro Vigani, Julie Urquhart, Robert Berry, Peter Midmore, Sue Fowler, Pip Nicholas, Isabel Bardají, Bárbara Soriano, Alberto Garrido
Policy Brief on future farm demographics and intergenerational renewal in EU farming systems
Alfons Balmann, Franziska Appel, Jo Bijttebier, Isabeau Coopmans, Christine Pitson, Julie Urquhart, Mauro Vigani, Erwin Wauters
Policy brief: How the CAP can enable European agriculture’s resilience capacities
Peter H. Feindt, Katrien Termeer, Jeroen Candel and Yannick Buitenhuis, with input from Alfons Balmann, Isabel Bardaji, François Léger, Eewoud Lievens, Lucian Luca, Gordana Manevska-Tasevska, Anna Martikainen, Erik Mathijs, Peter Midmore, Mariya Peneva, Simone Severini, Bárbara Soriano, Alessandro Sorrentino, Dan-Marius Voicilas, Katarzyna Zawalińska
Policy Brief on resilience of farming systems in the EU under current conditions and future scenarios
Pytrik Reidsma, Wim Paas, Francesco Accatino, Franziska Appel, Jasmine Black, Jo Bijttebier, Camelia Gavrilescu, Birgit Kopainsky, Vitaliy Krupin, Gordana Manevska Tasevska, Miranda Meuwissen, Franziska Ollendorf, Mariya Peneva, Saverio Senni, Simone Severini, Bárbara Soriano, Julie Urquhart, Mauro Vigani, Katarzyna Zawalinska, Cinzia Zinnanti, Hugo Herrera

SURE-Farm mid-term scientific seminar
26th September, Bucharest (Romania)
The Sure-Farm mid-term scientific seminar will take place during the 173rd EAAE Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists in Bucharest.
It aims at presenting the main results to date of the project. Topics covered will include the risk behavior, risk management and resilience, learning capacity, farm demographics, agricultural policies and impact assessment.
The seminar will welcome Miranda Meuwissen (WUR), coordinator of the SURE-Farm project and Ika Darnhofer (BOKU), member of the SURE-Farm International Scientific Committee.
Ambasador Hotel
Bd. G-ral Ghe. Magheru 10 A, Sector 1,