The SURE-Farm International Scientific Committee has been appointed to review the scientific quality of the SURE-Farm results. The International scientific committee will meet the General Assembly each project year for critical feedback.
Please find below the members of the SURE-Farm international scientific committee.

Claudia Pahl-Wostl is professor for resources management and director of the Institute for Environmental Systems Research at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, and co-chair of the Global Water System Project ( Her major research interests are adaptive, multi-level governance and management of water resources, social and societal learning and their role in sustainability transformations, and conceptual and methodological frameworks to analyze social-ecological systems. She is (co)author of numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals, chapters in edited books, policy briefs and popular reports. Her emphasis on interdisciplinary and community-building work is reflected in her role as editor of three books and twelve special issues in peer reviewed journals.

Ika Darnhofer is Assocciate Professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics, Department of Economics and Social Sciences. Her research focus is on management and decision making on family farms. Currently her research focuses on resilience as a primary management goal of family farmers. Although resilience thinking has primarily been applied at the spatial level of whole social-ecological systems, many principles can be applied at the farm level, and that these will help us understand how farmers manage their farm under real-life conditions. She also investigates on transitions to sustainability in the agro-food system, building on the multi-level perspective within transition studies to structure the analysis of – more or less successful – changes towards sustainability.

Ada Wossink is professor in the Environmental Economics research area group at the University of Manchester. Previous appointments include professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at North Carolina State University in the USA and positions at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. She also worked as a researcher at Statistics Netherlands.
Prof Wossink’s research interests lie at the intersection of environmental, behavioural and public economics and she has published extensively in this area. She has been actively involved in over 25 externally funded multidisciplinary research assignments in past and current positions in Europe and the US and has coordinated several of such projects. She is the recipient of a 1994/95 J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship and was awarded the 2004 North Carolina Extension Education Team Award for the quality of her interdisciplinary knowledge transfer activities.

Katharina Helming is co-head of the research area ‘landscape research synthesis’ at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). She is professor for sustainability assessment at the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde (University of Applied Sciences). Her research includes sustainability assessment of land use and soil management, resource efficiency and ecosystem services, research impact assessment and synthesis methods for sustainable development.