SURE-Farm Resilience Framework and Scenarios for EU Agriculture
SURE-Farm proposes the Resilience Framework and Scenarios for EU farming systems.
The integrated Resiliene framework provides structure and definition to the farming systems complexity and stipulates a structure to discuss sensitive topics among stakeholders, such as professional reorientation, negative feedbacks between attributes, stakeholder awareness and action plans regarding resilience of farming systems, and disputes about short-term versus long-term solutions. The integrated framework may be applied by public and private decision makers to formulate differentiated strategies across EU farming systems depending on context-specific challenges and available resources.
The aim of the SURE-Farm scenarios is describing possible futures for environmental, economic and social issues that EU farming systems face to contribute to the resilience of EU farming systems. As they are long-run scenarios, they are most suited to analyse strategic decisions enhancing long-term resilience through adaptation or transformation at the level of the farming system. Scenarios are less useful to analyse short-run strategies enhancing short-term resilience through robustness at the level of the farm.
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