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Open access paper on Farming Systems Resilience

A new framework to assess Farming System Resilience has just been published.

We develop a framework to assess the resilience of farming systems, and present a methodology to operationalize the framework with a view to Europe’s diverse farming systems. The framework is designed to assess resilience to specific challenges (specified resilience) as well as a farming system’s capacity to deal with the unknown, uncertainty and surprise (general resilience).

The novelty of the framework pertains to the focal scale of analysis, i.e. the farming system level, the consideration of accumulating challenges and various agricultural processes, and the consideration that farming systems provide multiple functions that can change over time.

Furthermore, the distinction between three resilience capacities (robustness, adaptability, transformability) ensures that the framework goes beyond narrow definitions that limit resilience to robustness.

Meuwissen et al. (2019) A framework to assess farming systems resilience. Agricultural Systems 176, 102656.