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New Policy brief on farm demographics

A new policy brief is issued! Find below a set of  policy options for resilience-enhancing farm demographics.

European agriculture as well as the wider economy face substantial demographic changes in the upcoming decades.  The SURE-Farm project seeks to better understand the sustainability and resilience of European farming systems, including the challenges related to farm demographics and what this means for structural change. This policy brief aims to tie the findings of SURE-Farm on farm demographics with policy options which may enable resilient farm structures.

The policy briefs highlights four  paths for policy makers to explore contextually:

  1. Supporting the on-going agricultural education
  2. Contributing to the attractiveness of rural areas
  3. Reforming policies for alternative business models
  4. Desinging clear and consistent policies

Click here and read the policy brief

Have a look at the GIF and find the key messages for resilience-enhancing farm demographics